Thursday, January 05, 2006

Is Jack Gonna Sing?

The K Street Hustler has fallen and many think that he's gonna sing.

Jack Abramoff, aka "Casino Jack" has pleaded guilty to three felony counts of conspiracy, mail fraud and tax evasion. And as expected, many in Washington are distancing themselves from the former Bush "Pioneer" (raised more than $100,000 for G Bush in 2000).

"I wish it hadn't happened because it's not going to help us keep our majority," said Rep. Ralph Regula, R-Ohio.

Our representatives in DC have been caught with their greedy fingers in the cookie jar - brace for impact!
So far three dozen lawmakers, mostly Republicans, plan to return campaign contributions that came from Abramoff's web of deception. And deep is the web indeed, the politicians announcing a return of Abramoff funds range from the White House to Senator Hillary Clinton.

Some are saying that this could be the biggest scandal to hit Washington in 50 years. Some are also saying that this potential quagmire will harm our Democracy.
Personally, I think that “we the Rabble” need to see just how corrupt our representatives in DC have become.
Left unchecked for decades, our so called "leaders" have run amuck and hopefully have run the money ship aground.

This scandal will show that we need true campaign finance reform, not just a prima-facie bill (McCain/Feingold) which doesn't get to the root of the problem. The underlying issue here is that Corporations and their lobbying shills have far too much power and influence.

If corporations are people too, and I argue that they are not, than they should not be allowed to give any more to a campaign than any single person. I believe that the current individual limit is $10,000.00 per campaign.

I will take this further and say that no entity should be allowed to contribute more than $1,000.00 to any Federal Campaign - Period!

It's time for strict reform! It's time to take our country back from the greed and corruption that currently fetors in Washington.

"Abramoff and other defendants also must repay over $25 million to defrauded clients and $1.7 million to the IRS" (Source) – This is just the beginning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pics are great. Welcome to the blogging community!

9:57 AM  
Blogger Van said...

Thank you :)

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish that I could share your optimism that Jack Abromoff's deal with the Feds will lead to a widespread cleanup in corruption in lobbying and campaign financing. I feel a more likely outcome will be the humiliation (and hopefully imprisonment) of a few officials and then Congress will write a new "reform" law that will still just create a new series of loopholes to abuse. If nothing else, catching Abromoff might make lobbyists and "consultants" keep their noses cleaner for a little while (or at least I hope it will).

9:21 PM  

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