Monday, October 22, 2007

Naomi Kline strikes at the root of the problem of Outsourcing Government over at Is our government an ATM for lucrative contracts or does it exists as an extension of "We the People" to serve the common good?

Outsourcing Government by Naomi Kline

‘We didn’t want to get stuck with a lemon.” That’s what Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said to a House committee last month. He was referring to the “virtual fence” planned for the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada.
If the entire project goes as badly as the 28-mile prototype, it could turn out to be one of the most expensive lemons in history, projected to cost $8 billion by 2011.Boeing, the company that landed the contract — the largest ever awarded by the Department of Homeland Security — announced this week that it will finally test the fence after months of delay due to computer problems. Heavy rains have confused its remote-controlled cameras and radar, and the sensors can’t tell the difference between moving people, grazing cows or rustling bushes.But this debacle points to more than faulty technology. It exposes the faulty logic of the Bush administration’s vision of a hollowed-out government run everywhere possible by private contractors.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Michael’s article exhibits the traits of an RWA (submission to authority, conventionality, and righteous aggression) with the accuracy of a slave ships cargo rouster.

Internet marketing

4:04 AM  

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